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Annapurn Hospital Yeti

Learn from the best, improve on it, and hand it over to the next generation

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Annapurna Neurological Institute and Allied Sciences centre (ANIAS) (अन्नपूर्ण  न्यूरोलोजिकल ईन्स्टीच्युट एण्ड एलाईड साईन्सेस) was established as a rehabilitation in the year 2009. The excellent health services at an affordable cost have enabled ANIAS to transform into a full-fledged hospital that provides diagnostic, preventive and curative service. Since the establishment, the objective of the hospital has been to deliver & disseminate accessible high-quality medical service to the people of Nepal and which can be duplicated through standardization of the process.


To achieve this excellence, the hospital abides by the motto of “Learn from the best, improve on it & hand it over to the next generation”.

Our Sister Organisations

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About Us
Our Mission


Our mission is to provide sustainable affordable dignified multi-speciality medical service under one roof focused on the general public. We want to create our institute as a model care which incorporates treatment, academics, research and public health activities model which can be duplicated in other parts of the world. We have also initiated community-based microinsurance program, which will be the backbone of our institute in future.


With 9 years of ethically responsible & financially successful experience, ANIAS strives to lower the cost and increase the volume of the patient by targeting the lower middle-class people nationally and internationally.


Dr. Basant Pant

Chairman, ANIAS


Dr. Basant Pant

Annapurna Health Co-operative Ltd has been established in September 2012. All the staffs in ANIAS have been incorporated into this organization. The main objective of this coop is to provide financial support to the institution and
its staff regarding health, education and insurance. Annapurna Co-Operative limited has been organizing various health-related activities like health camp in various areas of Nepal, health insurance (Jeewan Bardan program). Furthermore, Annapurna Health co-operative limited has a vision of establishing Annapurna Healthy grocery and hygienic canteen.


Maitighar Mandala, Kathmandu, Nepal


977-1-4256656, 4256568

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Hotline: 9801203351, 9801203361

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Annapurna Neurological Institue and Allied Sciences

Maitighar Mandala, Kathmandu, Nepal


977-1-4256656, 4256568

Hotline: 9801203351, 9801203361

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